艺术专业的课程设计有以下领域之一的选择:摄影, Studio Arts, or Visual Arts. 每个轨道准备你的专业实践和/或高级学习.
- 艺术专业至少需要66-76个学分, 根据你选择的重点,包括23-37个高年级学分.
- 你可以从以下重点中选择一个: 摄影,工作室艺术或视觉艺术
Elementary teacher certification
如果你计划获得初级实习教师证书,并对艺术教学感兴趣, you must choose the Integrated Studies major with a concentration in art.
- 该专业包括艺术核心课程, 还有数学、体育和自然科学的课程.
- The faculty advisor for the Arts concentration, Dr. Andrew Ryder (aryder@51miai.com).
Secondary teacher certification
如果你计划获得二级住院教师认证与艺术背书, you should pursue a BA in Art, and you must also complete 二级认证要求 through the School of Education.
如果你打算成为一名教师,请访问 School of Education for complete information.